Man Coolers
We are engaged in offering a quality proven range of Man Cooler Fans. Man Cooler are simple in design and easy to use. We Offered man coolers fans are highly used coolers. The offered range of products is manufactured using superior grade materials.
“Aerotech” man coolers are meant for industrial use where forced draft circulation of air is needed. These blasters discharge high velocity powerful air offering effective cooling at a particular spot or long distance.
“Aerotech” man coolers are unique for the comfort for the man , machine and materials. Built in robust construction and fitted with TEFC electric motor for 3 phases, 50 cycles, operation, these air blasters employ high efficiency aluminum alloy impellers with Aeroflot section blades and are designed for optimum relation between air quantity, pressure and power consumption.The air blasters man coolers consist of strong wire guards, tilting and swelling arrangement.
Air Filters are designed to provide better filter efficiency, and ideal air flow characteristics, constant performance greater fire retard-ency. It is easy maintenance and simple handling provide it a longer life thus eliminates numerous operational constraints. Man coolers Available in standard as well as tailor made sized.